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Altar Guild


The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the altar for all Eucharist and special services including baptisms, weddings, and funerals. Members care for all linens, vessels, hangings, vestments, and order supplies. 


Currently, thirteen members prepare the altar for services. Our members are Jean Davies, Enid Doyle, Susan Dragos, Mary Dudley, Clarice Milbrodt, Nancy Pearce, Denise Preston, Allie Weidener, and new members Chris Friedlander, Ginny Bussey, and Diane LaPara.  Jan Miller serves as the Directress and Barbara Pape as Co-directress.


The Altar Guild invites parish members to join them for this important ministry. Teens are welcome in addition to adult volunteers.  The work is shared by a dedicated group who like to work “behind the scenes.”  New members receive training and support as they learn routines.  Flexible scheduling allows members to serve according to their family’s needs.  For more information, contact Jan or Barbara.

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