Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church
New Providence, New Jersey

The word “acolyte” comes from the Greek word “akolouthos” which means companion, attendant or helper. We currently have twelve young people who give their time and talent to serve in this ancient and important ministry.
Our acolytes serve in pairs at the 10 A.M. family service each Sunday and at special services. They support Father Daniel at the altar and as he reads the Gospel. They display commitment, energy, grace and style; their mission adds immeasurably to the beauty and pageantry of our services.
In addition to serving Father Daniel and congregation of St. Andrew's our acolytes are also members of the worldwide acolyte community. This ministry is not limited to young people. It is open to all baptized members of our parish who are in a least 4th grade. We provide training – come join us!
Susan Dragos schedules the acolytes, recruits and schedules training for new volunteers. For more information, contact Susan.