Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church
New Providence, New Jersey

St. Francis Pet Cemetery
St. Andrew's maintains the pet cemetery for
the benefit of pet owners of all religious
affiliations. The cemetery is ornamented with
a statue of St. Francis with his arms
supporting three stone birds, as he gazes
toward the ground watching over beloved pets buried at his feet.
We provide burial of the cremated remains of pets in this tranquil setting. The garden reflects the beauty of each season as a living memorial to pets who have been faithful companions over the years.
We hope people of all faiths will consider burial for their pets in this place and will feel free to come visit, sit, and reflect upon the joy their pet provided while enjoying the peace and serenity which can be found here.
Call 908 464-4875 or email us at information@standrewschurch.org for more information.
Suggested donation for parishioners $50
for non parishioners $100

There's a local legend that Leo, the lion whose roar has introduced MGM films since 1928, is buried in our Pet Cemetery. There are conflicting reports, that he is buried on his former owner's farm in Gillette, NJ.