Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church
New Providence, New Jersey
Recent news​
Clergy, Staff and Lay Leadership

The Reverend Dr. Daniel C. Gunn, aka "Fr. Daniel" - Priest-in-Charge.
Fr. Daniel is responsible for the spiritual life of St. Andrew's as well as many other aspects of the Church and School community. He can be reached at 908-464-4875 ext. 120 or by email at: rector@standrewschurch.org

Lay Leadership
St. Andrew's Vestry is made up of parishioners elected by the membership of the church. Under the leadership of the Rector and two Wardens, the Vestry is responsible for the church's finances and properties. The Vestry meets monthly. The Treasurer provides the Vestry with financial updates throughout the year and prepares a budget for the upcoming year. You may contact the Vestry by calling 908-464-4875 or by sending email to vestry@standrewschurch.org. The Wardens may be contacted by sending email to wardens@standrewschurch.org.