Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church
New Providence, New Jersey
Bible Study and Synthesis Study Groups
The weekday morning Bible Study is an ongoing and active ministry at St. Andrew’s. The group meets on the first and third Wednesday morning of each month, at 10 a.m., in the parish library. They don't meet in the summer months.
There are typically 6 – 7 parishioners in attendance each session. They use maps and photographs of ancient Mid-East locations to better understand the context of what they are studying.
Their studies have included the Gospels of Mark, Luke and John, and the Books of Genesis and Exodus. They are currently studying the Book of Acts and learning how the church grew after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a joy to learn together about the wondrous Words of God in the Bible.
The Bible Study group welcomes all parishioners and visitors with a desire to learn more about the Bible. You can join them even if you cannot make every session. For more information, contact Dick Kern.
The Synthesis Study Group meets to discuss the Bible in relation to our everyday lives. They meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. in the Library. During the last few years they have continued to meet during the summer months.
Using the Synthesis Study material, the group reads and discusses the lectionary reading for the next Sunday. Discussions relate the readings to the lives of the participants in ways they find meaningful. As they read, think about and discuss the passages and the interpretation presented by the study guide they are often challenged to reflect on a new idea or viewpoint. It is exciting to share thoughts and exchange feelings and ideas. It is also interesting to listen to Sunday's readings and sermon, comparing our ideas to those presented that day.
Come join them! Take advantage of this opportunity to discover the relevance of the Episcopal lectionary on YOUR everyday life and experiences. Feel free to join them even if you cannot make every session. For more information, contact Frances Bellak.