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Brotherhood of St. Andrew


The Brotherhood is an international ministry of men within the Anglican Communion that was incorporated by an Act of the U. S. Congress, signed May 30, 1908 by President Theodore Roosevelt. That Act states, “The sole object of said corporation shall be the spread of Christ’s Kingdom among men.” Any baptized Christian may become a member of the Brotherhood and it is the counterpart to Daughters of the King.


In 2004 a Chapter was formed at our Parish, one of four Chapters in the Diocese. To date we have undertaken the painting of the Sacristy Hall, the upstairs hall, and the foyer/vestibule at the entrance to the Blue Door. We are working with other Chapter representatives to begin forming an Assembly that would be only the fourth Assembly in our Priory, covering three states and six Dioceses.


We welcome all men who are interested in deepening their spiritual life with other men.


Call 908 464-4875 for more information.

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