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Matthew 25: 34-46: "For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in .....".

Pastoral Care


Ginny Bussey chairs  the Pastoral Care Committee. Rick Anderson chairs  the Communications Committee; Eileen Fairchild, the Committee to provide rides; Judy Davies and Sandy Luque, the Committee which provides meals; Pat Barry, the Committee that sends out cards; and Brian Bussey, our Hospital Chaplain, makes visits to those hospitalized or homebound.  These are just a few of the many individuals involved in this ministry.   We are grateful for the parishioners who have stepped up to help care for the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of our fellow parishioners.  It is a way of showing our love and concern for those who may be in need of support and encouragement.


We hope that every parishioner will look to this ministry to determine just how they can serve the pastoral needs of others in the parish. We seek new people who are willing to use their time and talents to lend support and help to those who worship with them.  We encourage volunteers to step up for driving individuals to appointments, cook meals for those who are ill or grieving, make  home visits to shut-ins, make calls to the sick and elderly, and send cards to our fellow parishioners on birthdays, anniversaries, and at times of death or illness. 


Please call the office, Fr. Tom or Brian Bussey if you become aware of someone in need.

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